Wondering what Lindsay Lohan thinks of the Golden Globes? Well, you're gonna find out anyway.
The always-controversial star may not physically be at the awards show, but she's still making her presence (and opinion) known through Twitter.
Right after LiLo mentioned that she felt she didn't tweet enough, she has gone on a posting frenzy by live-tweeting Sunday's awards ceremony.
And things got interesting when she got peeved at Jennifer Lawrence for exclaiming, "I beat Meryl [Streep]" upon winning Best Actress in Motion Picture Comedy for Silver Linings
"Words cannot express how much I LOVE Kristen Wiig. And no1 should ever mess with a legend, such as Meryl Streep," Lohan tweeted.
But that wasn't all LiLo had to say, here are more highlights of her spellcheck-averse Twitter commentary:
• "Kate Hudson looks GORGEOUS"
• "I am grateful to of had the opportunity to work with 2 amazing women who are people i admire, such as Amy Poehler & Tina Fey. xo"
• "why wasn't Snow Patrol nominated with their song, 'Lightening Strike' for Act Of Valor? - I LOVE Adele! She is AMAZING! but, just curious?"
• "Paul Rudd is the best. Ever."
• "i love Damien Lewis on #homeland he is incredible"
•"Yaayyyy! @lenadunham I think you're so wonderful. Congratulations to a great talent !!!"
•"Ben Affleck!! Yay! So smart and classic. He and Jen Garner remind me of @mikelohan and his wonderful girlfriend #ninaginsberg"
Hey, if the acting thing doesn't pan out, maybe she has a second career in the works. We could always use some help on awards nights.
• "I am grateful to of had the opportunity to work with 2 amazing women who are people i admire, such as Amy Poehler & Tina Fey. xo"
• "why wasn't Snow Patrol nominated with their song, 'Lightening Strike' for Act Of Valor? - I LOVE Adele! She is AMAZING! but, just curious?"
• "Paul Rudd is the best. Ever."
• "i love Damien Lewis on #homeland he is incredible"
•"Yaayyyy! @lenadunham I think you're so wonderful. Congratulations to a great talent !!!"
•"Ben Affleck!! Yay! So smart and classic. He and Jen Garner remind me of @mikelohan and his wonderful girlfriend #ninaginsberg"
Hey, if the acting thing doesn't pan out, maybe she has a second career in the works. We could always use some help on awards nights.
Source 2
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